Nico Moreno is someone I’ve known for a while and brings a unique perspective to us in that his background isn’t in SEO, Nico will be discussing his unique perspective which includes:

  • Being The ChatBot King
  • Helps people sell their knowledge online
  • Professional copywriter
  • Former College Triathlete @ USC Trojan Triathlon
  • Certified in hypnosis
  • Once moved to Japan and volunteered on a Japanese lettuce farm




Chris: I am here with the self proclaimed/actual chatbot king, which one is it?

Nico: Both! What’s going on everybody? Thanks for having me Chris.

Chris: My pleasure, I like to bring on people who have a lot to offer and bring a different perspective. I guess for anybody who doesn’t know who you are, if you could give us an introduction?

Nico: Sure! So my name is Nico Moreno, and I am the self proclaimed and world proclaimed chat bot king. Basically, one of the things that I did to build my name up and this is how Chris and I met was that I started building chatbots as an agency. That did well and I created a chatbot course, and I needed to know how to market that course so I joined Alex Becker’s mastermind and that’s where Chris and I connected. Before that, I did a whole bunch of things like copywriting, and funnel building…essentially like a one man agency. Or I guess you could say freelancer for a bunch of different digital marketing services. Then, I started to notice that chatbots were this cool/new thing and I wondered to myself “why weren’t more people doing this?” They’re really cool so I started to play around with them. What I mean by chatbot by the way is something like Facebook Messenger Bot. I wondered why more people weren’t using them for their business so I started offering them to a couple of my existing clients. I also started to look around to offer this to new clients and got a couple clients that way. After that I got them some good results and promoted those results as a way to launch my course and then when I launched my course a bunch of clients thought I was the chatbot king and hired me for a consulting role. That’s my background, now I have a higher end program that helps people launch their own high-ticket offer or course.

Chris: Cool, going back to what you said, what I like about you is that we have a sort of a similar origin story where we had a crummy day job. Can you tell us more about that?

Nico: Yeah! Totally, so I went to college at USC (Un of So Cal), I majored in something weird – chemistry – which doesn’t make the job prospects too great. Fortunately, I was offered a job at a software/tech company a couple days before I was done with college during finals, so I moved out to the Bay Area in San Francisco, to work for Oracle, I hated it so much.

Chris: What did you there?

Nico: I was a sales consultant. I was the more technical guy who would walk the prospect through the software on the screen for them. It was really basic software – basically talent management. Companies would hire talent through an online portal. I would just walk boring old stuffy people through software on a screen. And it was not what I thought life would be like after college. So I started reading books like Robert Kiosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, I knew there was more out there but I didn’t really know how to do it. I started reading all of these books on entrepreneurship and personal finance books like Tony Robbins (Money Master the Game). I wanted to figure out how to break out of a – I don’t want to call it a ‘crappy situation’, I was very fortunate to have that job when I first started, but I wanted more time freedom and I knew that there was so much more cool stuff out there for me if I could just figure out how to do it. So fast forward a year, I had it with the boring job, I’m amazed that I lasted a year it was so bad. I quit  that job and thought that I would be more suited to work at a cool tech startup. So I went to work for a tech startup that was a marketing company called Invoca, they did like Google ads/Facebook ads but for phone call tracking. I thought I might like the startup scenario more, that at least exposed me to online marketing which is really cool, but I quickly realized that working at a job was just not for me. I ended up getting one final job at another tech company but that didn’t last very long – something like 5 months. At that point I was literally Googling “How do I make money online?”, and ‘how do I get free from this situation’ because I really don’t like working for other people. I bought this course on how to sell Kindle books on amazon, and it worked. I made a couple hundred bucks, maybe a maximum of a thousand bucks a month, so it wasn’t exactly enough to live on but given that I had some savings, I just jumped and had faith that it would work out. Plus, I didn’t have a family, I didn’t have to support kids since I was single. So I jumped and around that time I was trying a bunch of different things like blogging and freelancing. I decided to take a trip to Japan and volunteered to work on a lettuce farm. It was super cool and random, but such a cool experience and that was kind of where I had the biggest time of personal growth in my life because I was exposed to a different culture and life. We worked 6 hour shifts a day and when you’re out there in the middle of a field picking lettuce, the only thing that you have is your head and thoughts. I was literally wondering/talking to myself trying to figure out what it’s all about, what I really want out of life because I had so much time to think and not drive myself crazy. I started listening to entrepreneurship podcasts the whole time like EO Fire or Tim Ferris. I thought to myself that I would make this entrepreneurship thing work out. At that point I was following an online blogger for a long time who happened to also be a business coach, and make money online world.

Chris: Why don’t you name drop?

Nico: Her name is Sarah Peterson. She’s super awesome. I don’t know if she does it anymore but I know she still has her blog. She totally changed my life. She helped me get my first couple freelancing clients and at that point I was doing copywriting. At that point I really didn’t know what I was doing. I was making a couple hundred bucks here and there but I needed something big right? So we settled on copywriting because I have a background in it and hypnosis which is  also in this video description. When I first started looking into online marketing, I was particularly interested in VSL’s, because I had previously studied hypnosis and wanted to get into entrepreneurship but didn’t know if it was a viable path for me. So I studied hypnosis but started to notice that the language patterns were the exact same thing. They were using future pacing and all of these other hypnotic techniques. I wondered then if I could turn that into a passion or business, so that’s how I settled on copywriting and it was really a great fit because I already had the interest and loved language patterns. It was a way I could charge a good amount of money for it. Then when I started to get clients for that, a lot of people who became my clients asked me if I also did funnel building which I didn’t so I started to learn that too. Then my clients asked me if I did Facebook ads too, so I started to learn that as well. I started learning more and more things as I got more clients because they asked me if I did any of them, then everything changed when I had this one copywriting client because she was launching an online course and needed help with all of this copywriting, sales funnels/ sales pages, when she launched the course she made $552,000 in 2 weeks.

Chris: Oh my gosh!

Nico: And I was like “Holy Crap” that was my first exposure to someone making an obscenely large amount of money in front of my eyes. I knew I had to figure out how to create an online course because that’s where the real money is. That got me curious in creating digital products. The first time I made 0 dollars because I didn’t know how to do it. I still had to freelance and eventually got into the messenger bot thing for my clients. So it kind of just grew. I noticed that only one other person was selling a course on messenger bots. I decided to just create one because my clients were getting results with my messenger bots. The course did really well when I launched the course and then when I did, a bunch of other high ticket clients came in. They saw the course and they didn’t know that I did bots and they wanted it. From there, I kind of had my own journey. From there I learned how to market and scale an online course. That’s how I met Chris. That got me into webinars (live ones) and then automating a live webinar funnel, running ads to them was a whole new journey. It’s such a journey.

Chris: Plus, the automated thing to get right is such a pain in the butt

Nico: Yeah totally, it was hard, it took me like two years before I got any significant amount of sales from webinars.

Chris: Yeah, I do fairly well with it for like a month or two but it dies off really fast so I have to keep refreshing the whole audience and trying it again. It’s a constant battle to keep an auto webinar converting well.

Nico: Yeah so that was my journey and then people started asking to teach me other things. That’s what I’m learning with entrepreneurship and marketing in general, you kind of just get good at one thing then people want to learn and you help them and by being successful in one thing you have to learn a new skill set and more people want to learn that as well. People started reaching out to me to scale this high ticket business and offer. It’s always been a sequential journey.

Chris: Do you ever feel like you’re doing too many other things? It sounds like you offer a lot of other things. I’ve always known you as just the bot guy.

Nico: Yeah I had to actually stop doing other things. I had to pick what to focus on and what not to do anymore. I had to pick something that gave me fulfillment and something that was enjoyable. You have to also decide what’s the most viable for business like things that people really need so it’s in demand, things like that. I would say there have been several times that I knew I was doing too many things at once.

Chris: That’s a temptation you get a lot as an entrepreneur, there’s that next cool thing. New strategies or techniques, whatever it is, I get offered to promote a lot of things and I had to learn when to say no or at least say “not right now.”

Nico: Do you mean JV’ing or other things?

Chris: I get that a lot and just like you I see there are cool things to market a new way. It’s a temptation to do everything because you could do well with it but you gotta cut some of it out.

Nico: Everyone says not to get sucked into “shiny object syndrome” because of the nature of online marketing, there’s always going to be new things. I think it’s important to decide for yourself what’s most important to you. Do you want success with one thing or try several things, it’s ok to do either but you get to a point where you want to scale one part of the business.

Chris: “New” is probably the most powerful addiction people have. Because when you learn something new there’s always this rush. I think a lot of marketers take advantage of that and that’s why it’s so powerful and important to know what your long-term goal. I think paying attention to that dopamine hit of something new is a lesson everyone needs to learn.

Nico: Totally, yeah. I feel like I’m such a good buyer. I buy a ton of stuff/courses. Earlier on in this week one of my business coaches yelled at me for buying anything else other than Facebook/Youtube ads. He was right.

Chris: Are you buying ads? I don’t think I ever see ads from you.

Nico: That’s why I have to start buying them. I’m starting Facebook ads for my new offer today. A lot of the times – well I don’t know, I’m surprised you didn’t get the chatbot webinar ad yet.

Chris: I maybe saw one or two but that’s it, I’m always surprised to see how you keep the traffic going.

Nico: Yeah, I did a lot of Youtube ads for my messenger bot webinar because my business manager account was shut down for like 8 months and I finally got it back. I think that’s why YouTube has been my saving grace because they’re more lenient with the MMO niche.

Chris: I think YouTube ads are harder to learn but they’re definitely an untapped and cheaper resource for marketing traffic.

Nico: It has a steeper learning curve for sure. Once you do learn it, it feels really cool/powerful to understand it. The really good thing is that since I’ve been doing freelancing in a few niches/industries before getting into the course game , my business came from word of mouth so my course only took a hit because I couldn’t run ads. A lot of high ticket stuff came from word of mouth.

Chris: You also managed to leverage Facebook  groups to generate business too, right? I remembered telling you that a while ago that you were one of the few people that were doing that in a way that doesn’t make me want to slap you. Most people spam and that’s a point I wanted to bring up. Most of your posts are very visually appealing. When I see your posts I don’t even have to look at the name because of the way you lay it out. You manage to get a lot of business that way right?

Nico: Yeah, that comes from one of the earlier business days. When I first hired one of my business coaches, Sarah, she helped me figure out that Facebook groups were the best/first way to get other clients because I didn’t have a name for myself. I would go to big Facebook groups with my audience – given that I was a copywriter – I was good at creating posts that were valuable and hooking people into wanting more, I was also super aware that most Facebook group owners only wants you to provide value. I would always just give huge value bomb posts which is where I got most of my clients. I would never say “PM me for more”. I would always leave posts with a line that would say let me know if you want to know more/need help with anything else I would happily provide more. I would get a ton of feedback on those posts in Clickfunnels, and yeah – that was the first way. People woul always private message me without having to ask.

Chris: Most of the time – maybe it’s because I see it so much – I instantly know what people are doing. If everyone  could learn how to do that in a ‘low key way’ as the kids say that could be very advantageous. It’s such a fine line.

Nico: It is a fine line, I’ve noticed that too. I’ve gotten more self conscious about it. 4-5 years ago I never really noticed other people doing it. Now a days, everyone tries to do that and now I wonder if I come off or second guess my wording because I don’t want to come off spammy.

Chris: I have a few large Facebook groups so I’m sensitive to it. One of my rules are only value adding posts, no agenda. If you add value with the intent to get something out of it, it’s not adding value. That’s just something i wanted to bring up because you have success with it.

Nico: Totally.

Chris: Something you’ve been working on now is a YouTube channel, right? How’s that going?

Nico: Yeah so that’s something I really love, it’s so much fun. It’s so slow though. I noticed that it can be at times disheartening so I try not to focus on it as a metric that I’m watching just because I don’t know, big gurus like Kevin David or Tanner J Fox say their YouTube channel just blew up and made them money in one day. It’s not happening for me.

Chris: You really have to make that your job. Sometimes I get a fire under my ass about it too. I feel like I make a video everyday but it’s really exhausting because it’s a lot of work to come up with topics/thumbnails. I still get hits from my videos in 2016 where people watched a video and come to me asking if I could do that for them. What kind of stuff do you do on your channel? Do you Vlog? Do you teach?

Nico: It’s taken a couple different angles. The reason why I started it at all was for business because I was creating content on Facebook but I would put it on YouTube to store it there. I kind of just created it without really thinking about it, when you have a gmail you have a youtube account. When I was traveling to Japan I would video some stuff and store it on my YouTube channel and I’m really thankful now that I took the time to do that. But, it started out pretty much just a repository where I would store my stuff. Then, when I started to get legit into online marketing, big gurus told me I needed to turn it into a business, then I would create content like “Make 100$ a day” type content but maybe I didn’t put enough effort into it. I would get maybe 20-50 views total on a video that I would spend hours to create/edit. I felt like it wasn’t working. I took a break and still used it as a storage again for clients/Facebook. I kind of just really use it as a place to put stuff that has helped me in my own entrepreneurial journey. For example, there’s some mindset stuff or realizations that I’ve had where I found that if I talk it out it helps me solidify ideas in my own head. I also have content on major breakthroughs. Lately because of my audience I’ll create content for my Facebook groups and then also post it on YouTube and send it out to my list. It’s interesting, I send out broadcasts on my messenger bot, at least for my audience more than 70% will click to watch it on Youtube instead of Facebook. I have no idea why. I know that I  can reach so many more people with YouTube than with Facebook organically at least. It’s such a slow process. Basically, my YouTube channel is starting to grow a little bit on it’s own.

Chris: There are a couple things that are hard. The first thing is that there is no trackable ROI. It’s hard to tell. There’s also some dumb shit that I don’t like about YouTube like the thumbnail is more important than the video itself. To me it’s so stupid that it’s about a thumbnail than a platform that’s about videos. It’s one of the reasons I don’t do more videos. I don’t enjoy photoshopping things.

Nico: the only real trackable ROI from an organic standpoint is monetizing my channel which means I get some adsense money off of it. So there’s that.

Chris: Alright everybody I’m here with Nico Moreno a marketer and chatbot expert former lettuce picker…

Nico: Texan!

Chris: You consider yourself a Texan?

Nico: I don’t know, I was born in California but now I live in Texas. Make it what you will.

Chris: If you have any questions for him or myself, what were talking about or anything else, drop them in the chat on Youtube or Facebook. This is the first time I’m trying a multi-stream approach without numerous tech errors.

Nico: I didn’t see that there were live comments!

Chris: So you mentioned that when you put out a new video you also do a chatbot broadcast. Now, I’m not as well  versed in chatbots as I need to be and one of the issues is that I’ve had problems with my Facebook account. My actual personal account in the past. Not because of chatbots but I’m afraid to do anything with them because of that because they changed the rules right?

Nico: That’s a really good question and I’m glad that you brought that up. It’s a perfect segue. I have a YouTube video on how to properly set up your Facebook page or how to properly request permissions for your Facebook page to access broadcasting features now. It’s different now for manychat than it used to be. Basically in a nutshell, you have to get your page approved to get a broadcast out. Facebook wants to make sure you aren’t spamming people for offers which you can still do. But you can’t get reported by your audience. You do have to get it approved initially. Basically, you have to tell Facebook what your page is about, what you’re going to be using your broadcast for, and give them examples of broadcasts you’re going to send out. If you sent out broadcasts in the past, you have to basically show them what they were.

Chris: That sounds like a huge pain.

Nico: Yeah it takes some time to figure out – like 4 or 5 tries. But, once I knew what they wanted it only took like 10 minutes. If you’re shooting in the dark then it’s hard. I created a video walk through about it if anyone wants to check it out.

Chris: I’m actually going to grab your channel and drop it in the chat. It’s actually really interesting and I’m going to watch that when we get done. I actually have a pretty large messenger list. I never send broadcasts because I don’t want to get my account shut down again.

Nico: You used to send broadcasts out a while ago, right?

Chris: Yeah, even recently though I got put into mini-facebook jail. They never told me why. But I have a syndication list/program but that was interpreted as me spamming. I couldn’t post links or anything for over a week.

Nico: Facebook is really weird about that whole thing. That’s one of the reasons why I like YouTube a lot. The comments always have spam though. The platform is way more lenient more and let you live your life.

Chris: YouTube hasn’t gotten the bad press that Facebook has as well, I think that’s part of it too. I could be wrong too. So sending a chatbot broadcast, that gets an insane amount of traffic, right? I’m sure the CTR is ridiculous.

Nico: Yeah, the CTR are really really good. Generally, it depends if you’re doing a live broadcast or an auto sequence. Usually, you can get open rates between like 70-100%. The CTR is between 30-60% which is really good if you compare it to email marketing.

Chris: It’s really easy to set up right? Maybe not REALLY easy but the interface is easy.

Nico: One of the things that hold people back is that they think you have to be really technical to use it which isn’t true at all. You don’t have to be a coder. It’s literally drag/drop. Just give yourself 5 min to figure it out. It’s literally drag/drop.

Chris: I have a manychat bot on the Superstar SEO agency site that I literally set up while watching UFC one night. It wasn’t super detailed but it had 4-5 flows to them.

Nico: Yup, it’s very intuitive.

Chris: My audience is mostly SEO but I think that’s a great way to add another 500$ a month. I wish more people would take advantage of that. I think they’re cool and there’s a lot of potential there. A lot of people don’t seem to get that a Facebook messenger could be off of Facebook – could you explain that? Basically, people think you have to be on Facebook the whole time to use a messenger bot.

Nico: You’re totally right. I feel like software companies have these a lot. If you’ve ever gone to one of their sites you’ll see a chatbot in the corner of the screen, you can do that with facebook messenger bot. It takes one line of code. I’m not a technical person at all and did it for one of my funnels. People can type in questions and ask it anything.

Chris: Just place the code in the header.php

Nico: Yeah, you can totally do that. You don’t have to be on the Facebook platform to experience chatbots. Maybe not every audience will do well with it but most people have a Facebook account.

Chris: Do you do anything with non-Facebook bots?

Nico: No, I have not. I’ve seen a couple other solutions. I’ve seen other people who are bot builders who will build it in other platforms.

Chris: I want to go back to something you said earlier a few minutes ago. You mentioned you had videos on mindset on your channel. I know i’ve seen you do that a lot over the last year and a half. Could you explain what you’ve been doing to improve your own mindset, things you’re working on – could you just talk about that a little bit more?

Nico: Sure, one of the main things that I do to improve my own mindset is to – this sounds basic – but find people who are several years or more ahead of you in your specific field or niche and just listen to them talk. In order to get to high levels of success of entrepreneurship, you start to realize that there are no limits other than the ones you set for yourself. It sounds ‘wo-wo’ but it’s really not. Especially with the internet, you can really create anything that you want in business or any sort of business for yourself. If you’re feeling fear or wondering why you can’t accomplish something, you have to step back and ask yourself why you’re feeling that way. A lot of the time you’re feeling that is just the chatter.

Chris: Do you have mentors yourself for that sort of things? Coaches?

Nico: Yeah. I’ve done a lot of reading and listening to audio books but I’ve had one actual personal development/mindset coach. I find that they really are extremely relevant to one another. Breaking through mental barriers and business barriers always come down to what’s going on in your head. I do have mindset coaches with a focus on business. It’s totally a real thing. Everybody in the entrepreneurship community want that one secret solution but really the actual solution is getting control of your thoughts in your head.

Chris: There’s something about 4 inches of real estate in your head decide on all that. I definitely agree. I know that it comes off as scammy sometimes because people took advantage of it, I think if you connect with someone of the similar mindset then I definitely think it’s worth the investment. As long as you take advantage of it. It’s funny we were talking about someone last night who has WAY too much mindset in their course and takes a while to get through. Not that it’s a bad thing, but not every person will connect with every coach.

Nico: If you don’t connect with the way they’re teaching mindset then a sentence seems like too much. If you really connect with them then holy crap, it makes so much sense to you. It depends on if you relate to them.

Chris: A common complaint that I hear a lot from people is that there are too many people selling courses. There probably are some shit ones out there but it’s really about finding one that is distilled in such a way that agrees with you. It’s true, all of the information that’s ever been created is out there and can be found for free, but what they’re saving you is the time that it takes to put it together for you that works for you. Same with mindset coaching.

We have a question: Chris and Nico, what’s your favorite motivational entrepreneurial/inspirational book or video.

Nico: I would say the book that really changed my mindset about money which made an impact was called “Happy Pocket Full of Money” it’s really “woo-woo” but holy crap it changed my mindset about money. It was between when I was doing really not charging a lot for freelancing and barely making it and then suddenly it really shifted things for me in 3 weeks. I made a very significant amount of money just by the way that I was viewing it. It’s why I’m such a believer in mindset. If your mindset is in a place that comes from the confidence that you can charge 5k vs 500$ for a course or product or service then ya, you’ll sell people on that. The only difference is in your head. If you do have that new shift in perspective, you suddenly make a lot more money.

Chris: For me it was “The killing Joke” the Batman comic book. That was not a joke. For the people that don’t know, it’s outside of DC continuity. It’s about this conversation between Batman and the Joker where the Joker is trying to convince Batman that everyone is evil. Batman is saying no. Joker says that the only difference between people like that or everybody else and people like Batman or the Joker is that they had one bad day that changed everything for them. That’s kind of how I motivate myself, it’s realizing that you’re always one bad day away from everything you worked for going away. It’s your job to build something so it’s hard to ever experience that day. For whatever reason that stuck with me.

Nico: I like that. I think it also can go the other way too. You’re just one big mindset shift from changing your trajectory in a positive direction.

Chris; Yeah it’s what Russell Brunson says. He says you’re always one funnel away from whatever. Even though it’s a marketing strategy, it’s true. All of the work you put into that one project is for that one day that could literally change everything. I could pinpoint moments in my life where I made random decisions that slingshotted me into success. I’m sure you have that too. You’re always one decision away from changing things for yourself.

So if people wanted to connect with you more, where would they go? Do you have a Facebook Group? YouTube Channel?

Nico: You can find me at my YouTube channel Nico Moreno, that should be linked in the comments. You can also just find me at it will have links to most of my stuff. Or you could go to my hiring program, I have a messenger bots course if you’re interested in that it’s or you can just find me on Facebook.

Chris: I’m curious as to why you have a .org?

Nico: Because was 20k. I wasn’t going to do that haha.

Chris: I went through that a while ago. Isn’t he a musician?

Nico: Yeah I think I’m actually starting to outrank them on YouTube. They’re some death metal group or something like that. I have a separate life haha.

Chris: Unless anyone has any questions, we’ve been here for almost an hour. That went pretty fast. Anything else you’d like to talk about?

Nico: Not to end on a weird note or inspirational note but I think one the things that have kept me going is that you can give up and quit on the micro level a bunch of times but if you keep holding that vision in the long-term and you know it’s possible, then it’s ok. You’re going to have bad days or weeks no matter what phase of business you’re at but as long as you hold out that hope for the long-term that’s what kept me going through the crappy times. Hopefully that will resonate with someone

Chris: So one last question for you then: What’s Next? What’s your long-term goal? Do you want to keep helping people with courses, do you want to keep marketing? What’s the end game for

Nico Moreno?

Nico: Right now it’s helping people create and scale their high-ticket offers. That’s been the most transformational thing in my life. Maybe it sounds hippy but I truly love seeing my clients having breakthroughs. That’s where I’m fulfilled. I mean, where else does it come from? I remember there was such a long time in my life where I thought money would make me happy. I had such a rude awakening when I got to that level, it didn’t make me happy. It’s really not about money. You have to find something that keeps you going and fulfilled. I like having my clients have those bigger breakthroughs.

Chris: It’s hard to say that to certain people but once you get to a certain level of income, it really doesn’t make life any easier. Depending on what your desires are. I think once you hit like 20-30k a month, another 5, 10 or 15k doesn’t really improve your lifestyle much.

Nico: Yeah it doesn’t have to be emotional. You just need to find something that makes you feel fulfilled. Especially in internet marketing, people are always flashing their cars or whatever, it’s easy to fall into the trap of like thinking, “When I have all of this money I’ll get this cool sexy car and then be happy” I fell into that too and found out that it doesn’t make you happy.

Chris: We have question: “Nico what other courses do you have these days?”

Nico: Messenger Bots for Entrepreneurs course, it’s a super good course and really fun to create and that’s what I created over the last 1.5 years. Chris has that course. Check it out if you want to monetize chatbots. That’s the main course. I have a higher end coaching program too.

Chris: I started a coaching program too, picked up a couple people with it too. It’s not my main focus though.

Nico: You know when you get to a certain level you start to discount the skills you have as normal. To you, these things are basic. To someone else who isn’t as far as you, what you think is easy, could be life-changing for some people. Realizing that and giving people the opportunity to learn that new skill to really change their lives is really gratifying. It reminds you that the stuff you can do is really cool

Chris: I do have to remind myself that too. I think that things are super basic but then I think back to where I was and I’ve only been in this for a few years and didn’t know how to do that. Don’t take for granted what you know and what other people don’t. We’ve been here for one hour and one minute now, I know you’re super busy and want to thank you for taking the time to talk to everybody today.

Nico: Absolutely, my pleasure to be here man.

Chris: As always, figure out what you want to get out of life and go out and get it because you owe it to yourself and the world to be as good as you can be. Take care guys, see you next week!

Chris M. Walker
A serial Internet Entrepreneur who is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs globally to reach new heights through the power of shared knowledge, community, and operating with integrity.

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