Profiit Academy With Legiit Co-Founder Jim Sabellico

Final Episode Of The Profiit Academy For 2019!

This week’s guest is our returning champion Jim Sabellico!

Jim is a serial entrepreneur that sold his first million dollar business by the age of 21.

He also owns/manages:

(Note: One of those things isn’t true)




Chris: Alright we are live, hopefully you can hear and see me.

Jim: I can unfortunately hear and see you

Chris: That’s just plain rude.

Chris: Alright let’s not waste anymore time, Jim why don’t you tell us who you are and why we should care?

Jim: I guess I refer to myself as a serial entrepreneur. Not in the catchy, ‘I want to own my own business millennial kind of way’.

Chris: You are a millennial though, right?

Jim: Highly contested topic. I started my first business at 8. It was a neighborhood landscaping company. Business is just in my blood is the best way I could say it. From there, I’ve gone through different automotive companies, marketing companies, Chinese restaurant, bakery, Kind of had my hands in everything. I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit. Here we are today.

Chris: So when you talk about your first business being at 8, what was your first “Adult” business. Or business as an adult.

Jim: The first business was actually called “Strong Island Motor Sports” it was a aftermarket performance and car stereo business that was back in 2006. That was the first ‘official’ on the books business.

Chris: And what are your core businesses now? You mentioned the web dev, restaurants etc. what are your core businesses? What’s taking up most of your time?

Jim: Probably between here at TLC, auto shop and the web dev company. 95% of my attention is divided between those two. The web dev company, I don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of time with in person and ‘hands on time’, that’s more so making sure everything is going according to plan. My influences are in the company still but I’m not the one doing the work most of the time. For me, I get to kind of spend my physical 9-5 time where I have most fun which is working on cars.

Chris: Are you doing anything cool at the car shop?

Jim: We’re actually building a one-off-body Tesla. Which is a very interesting experience. A lot of people think I’m crazy for that one.

Chris: I didn’t know about that till about 5 minutes before we started. I remember seeing a little bit on your instagram. Didn’t know that’s what you were doing. But I don’t know shit about cars. That’s really cool, wish I had that ‘guy gene’. It must be very creatively fulfilling to do stuff like that.

Jim: It really is, it’s where I can express the mechanical and design gene. Getting to physically shaping the body of a car. Which is kinda cool. But it’s an interesting business. At TLC we primarily work on gas and Diesel engines which are 95% of the market right now. But it’s kind of undeniable that in the near future we’re going to have to deal with electric cars. So this business has only been working on traditional cars since 91’. Looking forward to the future, I figured I might as well learn how to maintain electric cars. They require different types of maintenance. So what we decided to do with this Tesla is take it and figure out how they work and the only way I think you can really figure out how it works is by taking it apart and then putting it all back together again. So while we’re doing that, we decided we might as well do something else cool with it and design this one off body for it. It’s our way to multi purpose learning and promotion to make the most out of it.

Chris: Correct me if I’m wrong but your auto business actually started off as a client of your web business, right?

Jim: Correct. That was about 8 years ago.

Chris: So I guess what I’m asking or wanted to bring up is do you do that a lot? Instead of taking someone on as a client, do you take equity in a business? How do you go about doing that? It’s something I’m interested right now.

Jim: If it’s something I find interesting or have a passion for or potential, I’m kind of choosey with that. Obviously my position with the marketing company, a lot of people come to with an idea for a software or app they want to develop so you’re going to hear a lot of these great ideas. Sometimes people delivering these ideas don’t know how to drive a business, which is unfortunate, so sometimes I’ll deal with customers with a great business idea but not ideal to run the business, so I’ll reach out to work out a deal for the success of the products but I want to be in tied to the success rather than deliver product and blog about it.

Chris: Now can you think of any other businesses like that (Chris looks at Legiit Poster), that you have been involved in.

Jim: Yeah obviously Legiit.

Chris: I guess we should clear that up in case people don’t know. You are actually a partner in Legiit. Technically you are the one that found the name. So we’ve got the web dev agency, the auto shop, and a couple restaurants and stuff. What else are you working on these days?

Jim: Uhm, right now the biggest thing that I’m shifting my focus towards is starting to mentor other people as far as growing our business and balancing their personal and business life. We’re trying to help them reach milestones in each. For me, I was able to get myself to a comfortable position in business early on. So what I try to do now is take more emphasis on balancing the life. Not necessarily work-life balance because I think it’s a lot more integrative. Work-Life-Balance is just more of a trendy topic or term people talk about. It’s this elusive thing that they’re trying to find. So, a lot of what I’m trying to do lately and enjoying is working with people who have a ton of success but don’t have a family life or have a lot of family life but not getting the same success in business. So I take my success from the years and work with people on ways to solve those problems and keep growing.

Chris: The work-life balance thing is definitely a cliche. Usually when people say that, people want to work less and do more of other things instead of realizing balancing is all fun and no work. Balance means even or at least more in each category. So I like how you said it’s more of an integration rather than balance.

Jim: It’s hard. You’re not going to come into a scenario where you can work a 9-5 and have 8 hours work and 8 hours at home. Timing doesn’t work like that. In a traditional work week, you’re not going to be able to balance everything 50/50. So you have to find ways to integrate your hobbies and life and family into work. As an entrepreneur you get that opportunity a lot. So for example, taking meetings and bringing your family with you places. There’s a thousand different examples. Really you need to find creative ways to tie those things together.

Chris: I always marvel at how you find ways to do that because I know you have family and a wife and 2 children. I mean all I have is two cats and I feel like I can’t keep up with the personal side all that much. I don’t know how you do it and stay married.

Jim: It’s a lot of work. But to me, I look at it as having a business relationship. You have to trust your partner, delegate tasks, address problems head on. It’s something that takes a lot of time. In full disclosure, getting up to this points there def have been rough spots where I was working too much. I think It’s taking that stuff seriously.

Chris: That’s something I wanted to ask. When you have a $15,000 deal you’re working on, how do you remember to pick up milk on the way home as something that is just as important? I know that’s something I would struggle with. Do you have any advice on that?

Jim: Yeah, a lot of it is value. It’s easy to quantify things in business because it’s based on numbers. On the flip side, you have to quantify what happiness in your life is worth. Like milk in my home. You kind of have to look at the bigger picture. And hopefully, forgetting to bring milk home isn’t that bad but you have to look at things like that and figure out what the value is. It’s not easy, it takes constant effort and attention.

Chris: It kind of reminds me about the movie ‘The Untouchables’. It’s toward the end and they’re trying to capture Al Capone, he gets off the phone with his wife, and Sean Conory asked what she wanted and he said something about the color of the kitchen.

Jim: Yeah, it’s real. You have to be able to mentally shift from holiday plans and seeing family and 2 minutes later you have to work on employee issues and work on that. You have to be able to juggle all of those things. It takes patience and attention.

Chris: I remember in one of Obama’s books, he talked about signing some bill and his wife was on the phone with him and says “that’s great honey, we have ants at home, can you pickup some ant spray on the way home?”. It’s like that. He mentions what you just said, you have to remember there are other important things out there other than what you’re trying to accomplish. That’s very impressive to me.

Jim: Yeah, I wish I had better advice. But I think part of it is that I’ve been juggling relationships and businesses in bulk for a very long time. Being able to pay attention to a lot of things and keep them floating. I think I’m just used to having a lot going on in both areas.

Chris: One of the trends I’m seeing in the Entrepreneurial circles – and what I mean by that – is what I see online, getting rid of everything. It’s a popular thing right now. Also, focusing on just one thing. I know you well enough to know that’s not you. Do you think that’s without value?

Jim: It depends on what your personal priorities are. For the example we’re talking about here, that person doesn’t really have a family life per say. To them, if they’re entire focus is on growing their business that does xyzzy in the world, that’s fine. For me, the legacy I want to leave is an impact that’s going to last a couple generations. Someone might say you don’t need a nice house or nice car, they would say you need a desktop and a window, it’s all you need. To me, I like nice things. I work hard. But it’s important to show people that it’s possible. Especially my kids. If I’m able to go on vacations and have the cars and houses that I’ve earned, I think that’s important that my children see Dady gets up in the morning, goes to work, and as a result we get all of this cool stuff. That’s personal. It’s my way, not the right way or the wrong way.

Chris: It’s interesting, I’m not to the extreme as some of the people we’re talking about, but I’m probably not going to have a family of my own so for me, leaving something for the family won’t be there. My goal is to improve as many other people’s lives as I can cause I won’t have a family of my own to do that for. One of the topics we talk about in the group is having an Endgame. What I see with a lot of people who have businesses, they might have a good business making them money but it’s just paying the bills. Maybe thats fine but you need to have an end game for where your business and life is going.

Jim: It’s important, not making money ultimately shouldn’t be the end goal, I think a lot of people who focus on money just burn out quickly or chase the next big hit and keep abandoning the last success they made for the next payout. It’s never going to last.

Chris: There’s a point where more money doesn’t matter. It doesn’t improve your life anymore over x amount of money. If I made 50k/yr less it wouldn’t change how I live really.

Jim: It changes the decisions you have to make. A lot of people think they need more money to do something. Here’s a good example, let’s talk about Legiit, if I wanted to come on as a partner and buy a portion of Legiit versus, I built a long relationship with you over a 16 dollar service, the value that I like to have added to your life isn’t in a lot of dollars. It’s not like I needed to have money to get here, I had to be resourceful as if money wasn’t an option.

Chris: We’re not being hippy. You do need the money. Part of money is keeping score on what you’re doing is actually working. I don’t want that to come off like you don’t need money, of course you need money. People get into building digital agencies right now, it’s a great way to make money but it doesn’t lead to anywhere. Because you’re selling a skill, once you stop doing the skill, there’s nothing left. For me there needs to be a bigger product in that. Like selling the business. Most people that do that business model don’t have enough direction.

Jim: Yeah it goes back having a business lifestyle. Making money while you sleep. You don’t want to trade your time for money. Because you have to go to work to get paid.

Chris: Even when you own your own business, you quickly turn into your own employee. I know someone that has a therapist type business. She charges 65 dollars an hour. I don’t know how you can make a living like that. YOu’re selling your time and putting a cap on your time. There’s only so much you can do to make a living. You should charge at least twice that.

Jim: Yeah or at least have some sort of ascension program. Talk to other people, build a network, something. If your only way to make money is exchanging your time, you’re capped.

Chris: I think people in business still think like employees. Maybe there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s not enough. I learned that when I was doing client out reach to prospects. Sometimes they would say ‘I don’t want anymore business’. I didn’t understand that. Sometimes it was genuine and other times it was to get me off the phone.

Jim: I actually talked to someone this morning, a locksmith, who I called up, emergency situation, he was away until next Wednesday. He’s away and no way to generate income because he’s gone. You juggle things. It’s nice to shutoff and not worry about things but you’re not making money while you’re not working. But it’s back to value. Vacation or family time was worth more than working 10 hour days. It’s a personal. tradeoff. I don’t know if theres any right or wrong.

Chris: People talk a lot about what they should do and when they do it comes off as “this is what you need to do” there’s a lot of different ways. I look back at my time as an employee sometimes and wonder how I lasted as long as I did. And then I see people that I know from that era that are still doing that. I wonder why they haven’t improved their situation. I realized people are sometimes more happy than I am. I don’t know. My point is that it’s different for everyone. I try not to judge.

Jim: I read an interesting point once, there was something like “Caterpillars don’t have social media otherwise they would commit suicide”.  They would see pictures of butterflies and judging their lives by what everyone looks like. The actual quote is better than that but it’s important to think about. The advice I’m giving now, might be different in 5 years. Or someone who is just starting out might have a different opinion than I do just based on the season or where they’re at. Its easy to see a picture I posted on instagram and think “oh that must be nice”, you know people see that picture and compare it to their picture. They don’t see that I’ve been working everyday for 15 hours straight. It’s easy to get lost in that.

Chris: It’s like that one famous instagram picture or meme you see a lot on instagram of the iceberg. Everyone sees the cool part on the surface but not all of the hard work that’s underneath the surface. It reminds me of the book about Jeff Bezos, they talk about how in the beginning he and his ex-wife and the programmers would go down at night and ship books out. People don’t ever see that part. People only see one of the biggest e-commerce giants in the world. They were shipping books out themselves 25 years ago. People only see the end not the path to get there.

Jim: It’s easy to see the stuff that you want to see that validates your opinion. People like to believe that they just got lucky instead of years of handwork. Especially if they put in a month of hard work and didn’t get results yet. It’s easy to say other people get lucky. I think about 2% of the time someone really truly gets lucky. Other times it’s all hard work before that.

Chris: There was a Michael Phelps commercial during the last olympics, but I always remember when it was showing stuff that he did to prepare like ice baths and 3 am to go running. Behind the scenes they were showing it to his wife or girlfriend at the time and they were crying, and not because of all of the hard work that he did, but they really only captured a fraction of what he really did. I think what you’re saying is instructive. People don’t see what it takes.

Jim: I think it’s important too, people don’t share enough about failure. Myself included, it’s something I consciously try and think about. It’s too easy to share the awesome moment. People only see the positives but not all of the negatives like the 15 failed attempts that it takes to succeed.

Chris: Alright I’m here with part Legiit owner and multiple business owner Jim Sabellico, If you have any questions for him or me or anything you’d like to say, let us know we’re live in multiple places.

Ed Says: “Hey guys, appreciate you”

Joe Says: “My dad is a mechanic so of course I’m an artist”

There’s probably more of an overlap there than what a lot of people would think. Would you agree with that?

Jim: I would agree.

Chris: Joe also says “Struggling with this right now. (Hope my wife isn’t on here). When we were talking about picking up milk. Ok, I can’t think of anything to say at the moment so this is something like a softball:

“Somebody says to you that they want to start a business, what’s the first thing you tell them?”

Jim: I would tell them to go on Legiit of course. It really depends on the person, the business because some people who aren’t born entrepreneurs need to go and spend 3 days planning, and writing a business plan and look 5 years down the road whereas the people who are born entrepreneurs can go out tomorrow and make money without any plan. They find a way to make it work. They don’t need the investing reading or business plan. You don’t need that crazy planning. I don’t know if there’s a universal answer to that.

Chris: there’s more opportunities now then there ever has been. You might have needed that kind of planning in the 80’s. Not now though. When you didn’t have access to every information ever. Versus where you can throw up a website and make 300 bucks a day. Now, I’m not saying don’t do any planning but, all you have to do is just get started.

Jim: Yeah of course. There are ways to start a business with 0 out of pocket expenses. You can go start a free facebook group, put up an add on facebook marketplace and start a facebook community that you can teach something and have people Venmo you money.

Chris: Even if you had less than 100$ to spend, you could make it look like a legit business. You can get hosting and a website and hosting for an entire year for like 10 bucks.

We have a question here from Jessica, Jessica says “Jim, you may have mentioned this before but do you work from home or from an office space? And why do you prefer that over the other?”

Jim: The answer to that question is both. Typically I work from the office, don’t usually work from home a lot. It’s just distracting. For me and for the rest of my family. I can’t concentrate at home. I also just want to be with them when I see them. It’s easier to shut that off when I’m at the office.

Chris: I’m glad you didn’t say that you’re 100% at home when you’re home because that’s not true.

Jim: It’s hard to be 100% balanced. You really just have to integrate it and work on it. Like this morning, my father lost his keys and couldn’t get to work. I was able to take an hour out of my day and get that situation handled, but I guess the point I’m trying to make there is that it’s not 100% business. You can balance and do both. You can’t just drop it all together otherwise one facet of your life suffers. It’s the same thing when you go home, it’s not like you can forget about business. It’s gotta be in the back. It’s definitely 50/50 or 0 and 100.

Chris: One thing that I was going to add is that I worked from home for about 2-3 years. Getting an office was a complete game changer. Getting an office space is really cheap. There’s too much temptation at home to just screw off. I’ll go and make my lunch instead of buying it. If you can afford to not work from home, I would suggest not working from home. That’s not for everyone. I found out something about your web business that I didn’t know, is it entirely remote?

Jim: I have an office here with one person in it. Just to kind of have an office. But, 98% of that  is remote. So we actually have an office space in the Philippines, we have an office space with 6 people working in it right now. That helps us not only with the hours, it gets us around the clock coverage. The work mentality and culture in that country is similar to the US. It ties together nicely. A lot of people wrongly stereotype overseas work as just crappy service or substandard. What matters is the education and quality of work and all of that stuff. There are people in this office right now 10 feet away that I talk to slack all day long, it really makes no difference where or how far away someone is.

Chris: So do you have any advice, and I’ll chime in afterwards, on managing a remote team? Whether it’s tools or anything else?

Jim: Let’s be clear about one thing, I don’t have all of the answers about this topic, there’s stuff that I’m still dealing with to improve the integration. But, investing in good people is one. For example, someone on my team, I’ve known him for years, he’s never once let me down. For him, I’ll bend over backwards to get him the resources he needs. I trust him like family. He always takes care of our business but we talk all day long. We video chat every morning, we have an office meeting at 7 am just to kind of get everyone on the same page. It’s nice to be able to get that communication out because we can start the day, everyone is on the same page ,and everyone goes and does their thing. I can focus on other stuff. I think the answer there is over communicating.

Chris: So what about tool wise? What do you use mostly? Email? Slack?

Jim: So we use slack, for everything except for video chats. We use zoom or google hangouts. For the most part all communication goes through slack. Our morning meetings will usually be google hangouts.

Chris: We use slack a lot. I actually have 8 diverse time zones so it works out because we have around the clock coverage like you said. Especially because there’s someone always awake. Communication is key. We’re going to start live streaming calls as well. I don’t know, that’s something that’s been a big challenge for me because when I got into this, I wanted to take care of myself, I never envisioned myself being the head of a company. I’m making this stuff up as I go. It’s very important.

Jim: That was my buddy Pete. He is the service provider here. What’s funny, he’s the person that loves to talk. He’ll open the door just to tell me a story. I usually try and concentrate on 50 things at once. He sits 10 feet away from me and my response will always be “slack me, I’m in the middle of something else”, that way I can focus on what you want me to after I’m done.

Chris: Personally, I don’t like any non-written form of communication because I’m not going to remember it if you tell me in the moment. There’s a chance I won’t remember it. I have many things going on through my brain at once. What annoys me is when people send you a message on facebook messenger but send you a voice recording of it. That drives me nuts. It defeats the purpose. Having things in writing is very important and you can reference it later.

Jim: I think it’s a struggle there to figure out what the solution is. It just takes tons of work. I have to spend 15 minutes on the phone to turn off voicemail. I’m always in meetings and focusing on something and I don’t like phone calls because that demands my attention then and now. If you want my attention, I’ll give it to you but it’s going to be on a time we both agree on. Otherwise you’re taking my attention from another customer. It sounds rude to some people but when it’s explained properly they’ll get it. The point is being proactive in teaching people on how to interact with you.

Chris: I have certain clients that anytime they have a question, they call, they won’t email me. It’s not fair to whatever I’m working on. I had this business in a telecommunications company once and people would just walk into my office to start talking about their problems. I would find that so arrogant. What you have to say what I’m doing more important? I agree.

Jim: I think it’s important for those people to understand that when you’re concentrating on their business, you don’t want someone else doing that to you. It’s hard. A lot of people don’t realize what you’re doing is a level 1 emergency but to them it’s a level 10. Some people handle stress very differently. Like getting sued. If you’re used to it then it’s just more paperwork.

Chris: Yeah when you get to a certain level a cease and desist is an everyday part of life on occasion. One thing that used to make me cringe when I worked in IT support was I’d go and fix someones problem, they would say “While you’re here, we’ve also been having this other problem” that always drove me nuts. Basically, I’m telling you to be considerate of your IT people.

Kieran says, “If you only had $100 to spend, I’d spend it on 1 hour with Chris from Legiit:)”

Thanks Kieran, we had a call last week that went very well. That’s actually something I’m starting to do recently. I’m doing consulting calls and enjoying it actually.

Jim: I think the stigma there is that people assume that being a coach they need to be better than you. It doesn’t mean that I’m better than you at something it’s just that I’ve been through it before. I think if people thought about working with coaches that way, they would actually work with them more.

Chris: One thing I’m finding is that people already know what to do but they just need someone to tell them to do it. A lot of people that I talk to, a lot of them told me what they wanted to do, I tell them let’s just start on it. It’s almost like they need to talk it out with someone.

Jim: It’s tough though especially when you get into situations like this, you come across a scenario in your business where you can’t really reach out to your friend who you went to high school with, because they won’t understand the situation that you’re in. There aren’t a lot of people who really truly understand that are one season ahead of you. It’s hard to find that person to reach out to. You’re in that situation yourself.

Chris: Unfortunately a lot of bad actors in the coaching and help space have poisoned the well for a lot of people that really wanted the help. There have been a lot of scammers in that industry.

Jim: Yeah, someone claims they’re a guru and sell you a 15k course and promise you a better life. People are usually in there for the money not in the legacy.

Chris: I’m going to wager that lot of people in here have never heard of you before. I don’t mean that as an insult but you don’t promote yourself and busy doing it. I think one of the most noble things someone can do is teach. But you should teach it after you’ve learned to do something.

Jim: Yeah I agree. It’s not something that I’ve proactively worked together or on to build that brand. Social media wise I’m most active on instagram. If you went to look on my IG profile, you’d look at the feed and see a bunch of pictures of cars and my family. If you pay attention to he stories you’d see what goes on during the day it’s mostly business stuff. A lot of people don’t see behind the business stuff. I don’t really try and be an influencer. I’m gun-shy because I know people oversell themselves for that 15k course. It always rubbed me the wrong way because I know the stigma that comes with it.

Chris: It’s very emotionally draining after a while. I guess I kind of ended up being that way, I never set out to be. Things kind of just kept happening so I got pushed in that direction. But truth be told I’d much rather just sit behind the scenes. I’ve run ads before and heard things like “well why haven’t I heard of you or this person if they have all of this success?” And the answer is – because they have all of this success. You know what I mean? Becker likes to talk about things like, nobody knows who the CEO of slack is or Stripe or something like that. It’s a valid point. They’re not out there making youtube videos and stuff. Only top level CEO’s and entrepreneurs we know are the public figures.

Business blueprints says “Whats up”

Chris: We’ve been on for about almost an hour now, do you have anything you want to talk about, Jim?

Jim: Nothing really pressing. I’m just trying to push myself more into mentoring, I’m going to be working more on that program and check out that link ““ there’s nothing but a landing page I put up about 3 minutes before our livestream. What I want people to know is that this isn’t some money grab. I’m not trying to funnel people into anything. Honestly what I’m doing now is putting together the programs that I’m putting together, what value I want to give people, what I’m trying to say is, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing yet in that mentoring program but I know it’s a good thing for people and enjoy. Right now I’m working with a couple select people while I figure out how I want to work it. We’ll figure out a way to make it work. Again, it’s a passion project. That speaks to doing things that you want to do for your legacy not just make a quick buck.

Chris: We have a couple minutes left here. James says, “Hey guys! Missed the first 50 min. Will for sure watch it after it wraps”.

For sure. That’s one of the beauties of live streaming.

Let me ask you this. Do you have anything like hobby businesses? For example, when I got started, I wanted to be an affiliate marketer. Yeah they’re there to make money but it’s fun.

Jim: Yeah I have a camping business called “Take me Camping” it doesn’t make much money at all but I enjoy writing the blog posts and going outdoors. It’s a really good tie in, I started it like 3 years ago because I enjoy going camping with my family, and spending time outdoors together and it was a way for to make a business out of something that I can also do with my family. I can go on trips and use that content for the blog and enjoy experiences with family. I think that speaks to integrating business with personal life. Finding different ways to making it work together.

Chris: Yeah, I don’t really have many hobbies anymore but, it was something I enjoyed. Alright we’re at an hour now and you’re a busy guy so we’re going to wrap this up. Jim, any final words?

Ah actually we have one more question! It is “How do you know when you’re spreading yourself too thin on multiple side businesses? When do you determine on when to start trimming the “fat” off of all of your businesses” I guess when is it too many?

Jim: Usually the businesses itself will tell you when you start to not care about it anymore. You know, there are some businesses where you can keep running without putting a lot of attention in. If you get more benefit than headache then great. But, if it’s continuous headaches and your heart isn’t in it anymore, then it’s a clear indication that you have to start heading away. A lot of attention needs to go to self awareness. Recapping what your day was like. Seeing where the problem areas are and where you can improve tomorrow. If you see problem after problem, you need to focus fixing it or moving away from that business.

Chris: Have you ever experienced in one of your man businesses where it’s similar to what you’re saying here that you just don’t care about it. How do you know if it’s just a bad season? Or when it’s time to stop? I’ve gone through that before. Eventually it got better. How do you know when it’s time to quit and when to improve?

Jim: I guess you really have to just dive in and be as self aware as you can. What’s your life without that business in the next couple of years. If it’s something that I’m doing just to make money, then I instantly ditch it. If it’s something that adds value to your life or someone else, you have to think about wether you want to be in it anymore or not.

Chris: Yeah. Anything else you want to cover or say?

Jim: I think that’s pretty much it. We’ve covered a lot of ground here today. I guess short story is, I’ll drop some links so you can find me. I’m not the people person of the group. I’m certainly working on getting my smiling face out there more. I’m busy but receptive to helping anyone I can. Instagram is the easiest place to find me. Ill answer everyone there.

Chris: Sounds good. Like I said, I know you’re very busy, I appreciate you being here and taking the time out of your day to talk with us. This is the last one I’m going to do for 2019 as people check out in December. We’ll be back in January most likely with some more guests. I might start doing solos too. Thank you Jim. Check out Jim on social media. Thank you for hanging out with us today. As always, figure out what you want most from life and go out and get it because you owe it to yourself and you owe it to the world.

Chris M. Walker
A serial Internet Entrepreneur who is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs globally to reach new heights through the power of shared knowledge, community, and operating with integrity.

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