Good Evening!
There is a lot to do in a business.
You have the stuff that takes up 80% of your time (admin, employee management, taxes etc…)
And you have the 20% of stuff that actually helps your business grow, thrive, and… Profiit
Contained in that 20% is a lot of different things to consider and act on.
So its critical that you choose the right things to focus on.
There is a pretty easy trap to fall into where you are doing a little of everything but not focused on making one particular thing grow.
You are probably doing a little bit of sales, a little bit of marketing, a little bit of product creation, a little bit of outreach, a little bit of fulfillment etc…
The problem with that is that you just end up with a bunch of half done, mediocre work.
Something I have found that really helps improve my businesses is to get the critical stuff to a manageable level, then pick one thing, set a goal for it, and focus on that as much as you can.
Take everything else in your business and twist it to that goal until you get there.

For example.
I hovered around 4,400 YouTube subscribers for MONTHS.
As recently as early November I decided that I wanted to have 5,000 by the end of the year (there is a STRONG Correlation between YT activity and sales btw)… so I took every resource I had and put it in service of that goal.
I started putting out more videos
I sent a broadcast to my entire email list
I started a sequence in my email automation
I gave my Facebook groups some content they really wanted to they would subscribe
I came up with some clever ways to get people to my one click subscribe link
…and so on
And in less than 3 weeks I hit, and obliterated my goal!
Had I just been half paying attention to it I wouldn’t have made it by the end of the year, let alone the end of the month.
All because I decided to focus on that, and watch it grow.
So I want each of you to look at some of the things in your 20%. Find one that, growing it, would vastly increase your Profiit, set a goal for it, then go all-in on it until you get there.
What will that be for you? Let me know in the Profiit Academy Daily Facebook Group
Talk to you tomorrow.