Good Afternoon!

One of the most important things you can do to Profiit in business or as a person is to feed your brain.

Never stop learning and thinking.

Here are some of my favorite books, and people to learn from.

Books (these are all audible, and none are affiliate links)

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon – This isn’t exactly a biography but kind of an origin of the early years of Amazon that gives you a lot of insight on what goes into launching a major business. The thing that sticks out to me is how he was literally shipping the books himself in the early months.

Way Of The Wolf Straight Line Selling: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success – Jordan Belfort did some nasty stuff in his life, and until this book I always thought of him as just a slimy car salesman type… but the truth is he really knows some high level sales stuff and this book is really easily digestible.

The Like Switch – Great book by a former FBI agent that specialized in interrogating people.

Be Obsessed Or Be Average – What I like about this book is that it really calls out people that treat their business like a side hustle or a hobby.

Who to read and who to follow


Frank Kern – Frank has been one of the top guys in internet marketing for as long as their has been internet marketing (his course Mass Control originally got shipped on physical DVDs if that gives you an idea on how long he has been around) and his courses and free material are still top of the line. I also like that he keeps innovating. Further his personality is so much different than most others that do what he does that it makes him just a pleasure to listen too.

Tai Lopez – Yeah I know. But try to remove some of the strong opinions you may have about him. He has a diverse amount of knowledge and is an absolutely brilliant marketer. I also like that in some of his paid training he doesn’t do a lot of the teaching himself. He uses high level people he has made connections with to deliver things they are good at.

Russell Brunson – He has an energy that is infectious, and has the experience to back it up. He is create a creating a culture around a product that does a lot of the work for him.

His podcast alone has literal hundreds of thousands of dollars of value.

Gary Vaynerchuck – This one is a little different. The content he puts out is… meh. Its fine but pretty simple and repetitive… but with him the goal is more to watch what he does more than what he says. He leverages content in a way that makes himself super famous so he can sign massive brands like Pepsi to his agency.

Those are just some. Maybe we can get an official list of favorites and suggestions going in the Profiit Academy Daily Facebook group.

What are some of your suggestions?

Talk to you tomorrow.


Chris M. Walker
A serial Internet Entrepreneur who is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs globally to reach new heights through the power of shared knowledge, community, and operating with integrity.

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